I’m trying to track my users referrer in Magento but varnish remove all utm from social media. I’ve removed the utm regex from the default.vcl file and now I get utms in my request but setting the cookies still not working. I’m sure this is a varnish issue, because everything […]
Daily Archives: October 25, 2022
I’m using an extension from a vendor. The vendor is doing some magento frontend manipulation adding some extra form fields to account create page. Now that module is in control/overwriting the magento version. How can overwrite/control the vendor version from my theme?
I am preparing to get Magento certified, doing some test questions I have found this: A client has asked you to include category url keys in product URLs. How is this done? A. Create an observer for controller_action_postdispatch_catalog_product_view B. This is not possible because products can belong to multiple categories […]
We want to add some logic when Magento saves shipping information during checkout, so we have tried using a before plugin for saveAddressInformation method This would be method definition /** * Save address information. * * @param int $cartId * @param ShippingInformationInterface $addressInformation * @return PaymentDetailsInterface * @throws InputException * […]
I am trying to add custom fonts in magento 2 transactional emails however, it does not work. I am using hyva theme. I have imported Sofia-pro font under app/design/frontend///web/fonts/SofiaProRegular.woff2 and app/design/frontend///web/fonts/Sofia_pro_regular.ttf Then I have added _typography.less file under app/design/frontend///web/css/source/_typography.less and added the following code in it .lib-font-face { @family-name: @font-family-name__base; […]
I have a Seafile server running on a local network, and exposed to the internet (via port forwarding). When I am outside of home, I can access the server just fine through the public hostname and port of my internet provider (eg. 123.myprovider.com:<my-port>), that forwards to my router (and that […]
I am using win10 and found this tutorial (https://zhuanlan.zhihu.com/p/509457878), because I want to close the download pop-up window, so I turned on this option (chrome://flags/# download bubble) Then my chrome got stuck, and after restarting also stuck in the default new tab in an unresponsive state, no longer responding to […]
As is well known, Word can save any Word document as an HTML file, whereby Word-specific code is saved in addition to the HTML code, so that all original Word formatting is maintained. This also works with embedded high-resolution images, e.g. for documents or web pages that are to be […]
I use this Dell XPS laptop as a development machine. It has a 6 core i7 (12 logical procs) in it. 32G RAM. I have VMware Workstation 16 Pro, version: 16.2.4 build-20089737. I set up a VM of CentOS-7 with 2 cores, half the available RAM of the host. At […]