I usually do multisite multi-domain setup in Magento site and it works fine. I have another site that uses PWA and I have all basic steps as we do to create multisite with multi domain but it is not working properly and css and other files showing 404 errors. Is […]
Daily Archives: July 17, 2023
Once every three weeks or so, our checkout success page (…/checkout/onepage/success/) starts returning a 404. When we notice that has happenned, we have to flush the cache for it to be back online. Is that a known issue? Can I avoid it? Work around it? Should I disable cache for […]
I was getting this error when sending response to the get type ajax controller. the code was like below. <?php declare(strict_types=1); namespace VendorModuleControllerIndex; use MagentoFrameworkAppActionHttpGetActionInterface; use MagentoFrameworkAppResponseHttp; use MagentoFrameworkControllerResultInterface; use MagentoFrameworkExceptionLocalizedException; use MagentoFrameworkSerializeSerializerJson; use MagentoFrameworkViewResultPageFactory; use PsrLogLoggerInterface; class Download implements HttpGetActionInterface { protected $resultPageFactory; protected $serializer; protected $logger; protected $http; […]
I am trying to place order with the below mutation, but getting Integrity constraint violation error for address_id in saving quote_shipping_rate. I assume the old shipping rate is not getting deleted in the transaction flow, but I tried loading by collection in MagentoQuoteModelQuoteAddresRate->beforeSave() which give zero results in same place […]
I have products such as gaming tables and chairs I want to add two prices to them Price with carton and price without carton how can I do that
I have had a Microsoft 365 Family subscription for many years. It will renew on Dec-04-2024. So its active. I just purchased a new laptop and successfully logged into the MS 365 subscription on that laptop. I downloaded the installer for a local copy of Excel. I ran that and […]
This year I made a massive transition to PowerShell and Cli tools. With massive power comes… I can easily mass rename or pre append strings to file names and do often. That is fine. But I write lots of Markdown documents and work on other files that “reference” media files […]
I have a spreadsheet that I need to input a $ amount, and need to calculate the monthly amount based on whatever is input. The amounts being calculated are weekly, monthly, bi-annually, and yearly and would each need their own calculation to come up with a monthly amount (the monthly […]
I am running Libreoffice in a Mac Mini with an M1 chip. I used to run LibreOffice on the same computer. When I opened my databases on, they opened all with a gray background, including the frame around the database with the various icon for New, Open, […]