Deselect shipping method – Magento 2.3

What can I do if I want to deselect the shipping method when the page is reloaded or if you go back to cart/categories/etc and after you go back to checkout? Right now if I selected a shipping method will remain selected until I change the county. Until now I tried this solution: How to deselect shipping method in M2 and I also modified in the file vendor/magento/module-checkout/view/frontend/web/js/model/checkout-data-resolver.js the function resolveShippingRates where I tried to put selectShippingMethodAction(null) at the beginning or like this:

if (ratesData.length > 1) {

But nothing works. When I put it in that if it works fine if you were logged in but I couldn’t go to the next step if I wasn’t.