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Dual monitor setup for M2 Pro MacBook Pro (2023) and windows laptop?

Recently purchased M2 Pro MacBook Pro (2023)and I’m looking for a one cable for all solution to connect to dual displays with charging via a usb C/thunderbolt 4 port.

At work they have USB-C docks which is where I got the idea from. I want to be able to just plug and play with dual monitors and charging for either computer.

I came across this:

As well as: https://uk.anker.com/products/a8398?currency=GBP&variant=41462995288228&utm_source=google&utm_medium=pmax&utm_campaign=uk_anker_charger_conversion_pmax_allproducts_purchase_ost&utm_content=allproducts&utm_term=%7B17994401969%7D_%7B%7D_%7B%7D&gclid=Cj0KCQiA6fafBhC1ARIsAIJjL8lrAmIB8K6cSsDoH67EJ9XUHV6d0t3ItX_rQJEx75O_0JxoHICfOsAaAjs4EALw_wcB

However I am unsure as some seem to suggest doesn’t support M1 chips.

I have the M2 pro, is that powerful enough?

Also if it will work do I need a thunderbolt 4 to HDMI cable (expensive) or is a USB-C to HDMI okay for pretty average monitors.

Advice would be appreciated.