Zend certified PHP/Magento developer

Edit Windows 10 boot config (BCEDIT?) to disable Safe Mode

I recently had a weird issue where while using my Windows 10 laptop that had been working fine, suddenly I couldn’t create folders anymore, neither in GUI nor CLI (command line). My laptop display stopped working about 3 years ago and since then I use an external monitor. I booted in Safe Mode/Safe Boot via MSCONFIG. But, on reboot I just had a black screen.

So, I need to find a way to get out of Safe Mode. So far, I’ve tried:

  • Boot Options keys: Tried standard boot options keys (F8, F12, ESC) on startup to see if that would help — no-go
  • P Functions: Hitting some “P” combination recommended in forums — no-go
  • Blind navigation: — no-go. The theory is this: If I can’t see what I am doing, but I know the exact key stroke sequence, then I should be able to accomplish what I need. Seems like it should work, but maybe there are extra screens like login, warning popups, confirmations etc that those who have recommended blind navigation haven’t accounted for.
  • Closing Laptop: I have wireless keyboard and mouse connect to my laptop so I tried quickly shutting monitor immediately after hard power on — no-go


  • The hard drive works fine and I can even access the data and files by connecting it with a USB external adapter to another laptop
  • I can’t do any process that involves booting into Windows and using a mouse
  • I don’t have a similar / same-model laptop on which to insert the hard drive


  • Windows 10 64-bit


  • At this point, the only thing I can think of is can I edit the boot config or startup files? Before Microsoft gave us the registry, there were files like autoexec.bat, config.sys, and boot.ini. I’m wondering if there is some simple text file I can edit to disable the safe boot so I can boot normal again?
  • Would BCEDIT be the correct file to edit to disable safe boot?