Finding Temporary windows 10 files

When I look in windows 10 at the Storage usage it says I have 8GB+ of temporary files.enter image description here

When I select the Temporary Files link it takes me to a list that looks very like the disk cleanup options and only comes to 30Mb. where is the other 8Gb…

I have looked in all of the locations I can think of and looked at previous super user questions/answers. I understand that windows 10 has multiple temp locations but I thought I had looked at them all.

What I have tried

  • C:/Windows/temp
  • Appdata/local/TEMP
  • Disk cleanup is fully cleaned (including system files)

The total appData folder is now only 400Mb so I know its not hiding in there.

I know they are in the C://Windows folder (as its size is roughly the size of the systems + temp categories).

Can anyone help with finding these temp files.