How do I remove kext files after uninstalling Norton Antivirus on mac to then install Avast?

I removed Norton after having problems with it interfacing with MacOS on many levels. I proceeded with the standard Norton uninstall and found that it seemed to work. However, when adding Avast I found that Avast will not install due to existing Norton/Symantec files existing.

I have tried file cleaners and the standard norton uninstall cleaners.

It seems that 4 items still remain and I am unable to remove them.

when running
kextstat | grep -v

i find: (9.0.1) (9.0.0) (9.0.1)

When trying to unload am met with this (below) or a kernel panic.

(kernel) Can't remove kext; services failed to terminate - 0xdc008018.
Failed to unload - (libkern/kext) kext is in use or retained (cannot unload).

Through some research I have found that some resources have stated that I should enter safe mode and run csrutil disable

(due to having File Vault enabled)

Yet again after restart I get the same error of unable to terminate and Avast still fails to install.