This may be strange but it is a simple concept which I’m hoping has already been produced in some variant. Often if you happened to take a screenshot of a folder that’s no longer the same or exists, and see what it were once like, screenshots are just an image file that’s non-interactive.
What I would like is a software that creates a mirrored copy/lightweight archive of the folder that’s intended for archiving. I’m inspired by Wayback Machine and I’m pretty certain they use a software to archive the websites. But this is not to give preference to a html screenshot of the folders in spite of it being interactive. I would prefer a software that creates an archive of the folders similar to how temp creates backup on Windows or the .thumbnails files on your phone which is said to provide thumbnail preview of the images.
You all may say just create another backup but I don’t want to especially if the contents of that folder will be rearranged elsewhere. It’ll only create confusion. But a pseudo-folder under archive with its contents basically being thumbnails or a better word to imply its use, I wouldn’t mind that.
Folders don’t take space. Files within them do. So a reduced copy of them would work perfectly. It would also be great if someone invented such image files (only possible with image files) stored as lightweight backups. They have miniscule size just like the temp and .thumbnails files but when you open them, they are full-size. However, if you zoom in even just a little, the image blurs. And that’s where the size is going down on. In case you lose the original files, all you do is take a screenshot of this backup. If it was a hi-res image, you won’t have the same quality but something that’s as good as the basic. It’s a clever technique.
Please weigh in on these.