Zend certified PHP/Magento developer

How does my country block this NSFW website when I use DoH and the site uses cloudflare?

I use Cloudflare DNS over HTTPS in my browser (Edge/Firefox), and the same encrypted DNS in OS, Windows 11 and found that the website I chose, xhamster.com, is behind Cloudflare as well, according to https://www.whois.com/whois/xhamster.com

so I want to know, how is it possible that the website gets blocked? other websites behind Cloudflare work fine, DoH is successful as Cloudflare’s secure DNS checker website shows. my router uses ISP’s DNS but that shouldn’t matter, right?

enter image description here

I used Pingplotter and found out there are a bunch of private IP addresses between my router and the first router outside of my country, so something is happening here.

can someone help me find out how they are blocking my access to that website?

I also force all connections to use HTTPS only. is the lack of ESNI/ECH the reason they can block that website? or do they use the old IP based method even for websites behind Cloudflare whose server IP is hidden.

all the websites that get blocked by my country produce “ERR_TIMED_OUT” in the browser.

p.s I can use VPN or Cloudflare WARP to circumvent this restriction, but my sole purpose for this post is to find out “how” they can do this with all this security measures in place.