Zend certified PHP/Magento developer

How to get input value to js when button click in mganto 2 knockout js, when having two input field in same template?

I am having two input field one for phone number and other for OTP. When click the submit button for OTP also I get the phone number value. How can I get the OTP value when the OTP button click?

Template file


Js file


],  function (_, uiRegistry, ko, Component,modal) {
    'use strict';
   return Component.extend({       
        isShowPhoneButton: ko.observable(false), 

        showPhonePopUp: function (){debugger;
            var _self = this;          
            var mobileNumber = _self.value();

        changeOTP: function (){debugger;
            var _self = this;          
            var otp = _self.value();

