Zend certified PHP/Magento developer

Image Quality/File Size: What to do?

I want to extract all frames from my videos (because manually selecting the ones I want would take too much time) so I can select the best ones to capture its art style and the characters from them for my AI art and also to upload to DeviantArt. Problem is, when I use ffmpeg and Shutter Encoder to make the PNG files, it took a ton of space on my computer (like 100GB).

Here are the things I tried:

  1. Exporting the frames as JPGs but they weren’t nearly indistinguishable from the videos.
  2. Export them as EXR and TIFF files, but they resulted in higher file sizes than PNG.
  3. Change the scale of the images of the videos to from 1080p to 360p so I can resize them later, but people told me I’ll just lose quality.

What solutions can you give me for this?