Zend certified PHP/Magento developer

Magento 2 get order qty items is null

I’m trying to get the total weight of the items in checkout_submit_all_after

With this code:

$orderItems = $order->getAllItems();

         $weight = 0.0;
         $length = 0.0;
         $width = 0.0;
         $height = 0.0;
         $dimensions = array();

          foreach ($orderItems as $item) {

              $product = $item->getProduct();
              $weight += (float) ($product->getData('weight')*$item->getQtyOrdered());

              $length += (float) $product->getData('ts_dimensions_length');
              $width += (float) $product->getData('ts_dimensions_width');
              $height += (float) $product->getData('ts_dimensions_height');   


             $dimensions[] = [
                     'weigth' => $weight,
                     'length' => $length,
                     'width' => $width,
                     'height' => $height

          $this->logger->info("Weight: ".$weight);
          $encodedData =  $this->_jsonHelper->jsonEncode($dimensions);
          $this->logger->info("Dimensiones: ".$encodedData);

When I print weight I get 0, I found that is because I’m getting 0 products, and another funny thing, is that my dimensions don’t get summed if there are more than 1 product with same SKU. If I have 5 items with length 2, the result is 2, not 10. What I’m doing wrong here?

Please help.