How to dump the database to local system from Magento Cloud server with Magento 2 Commerce.
I have only access to the ssh but that ssh user doesn’t have write permission into the server. So by any how I need to download the database to the local system.
I have also tried to run the below command in my local system:
mysqldump -h hostname -u username -p dbname > dbname.sql
Hostname I used same as ssh host because I found as db host on app/etc/env.php. But unfortunately it doesn’t help.
I have checked this Magento 2 Commerce cloud database export but I dont know how to use this?
Is ece-tools db-dump
already available in Magento cloud? Or we need to install it? If I need to install it then I cannot do this as there is no write permission is there in the server. I can only use git.
Is there any other way to do this Or How can I achieve this?