Zend certified PHP/Magento developer

Q1: from which device OS is running — Q2: how to undo a given “umount –lazy”?

I got the warning “your root partition is running out of disk space.

My system is running KNOPPIX 9 from a hard disk /dev/sdc, and the partitions had been mounted at boot time as KNOPPIX does.

But the the size for rootfs is only 16 GB

df -Th shows

FileSys Type   Size Uded Avail  Use%  MountedOn
rootfs  rootfs  16G  16G  30M  100% /

Additionaly I have on an USB stick KNOPPIX 9 which I labeled “KNOPPIX_9”, is now /dev/sdl1.

About a year ago I have loop-mounted this KNOPPIX from the USB stick:

First assigned by losetup, so losetup shows

/dev/loop0 [0005]:4127 (/dev/sdl1)


mount -t iso9660 /dev/loop0 /WE-MNT01/iso_KNOPPIX_9


Please, how can I query the system from which device it was booted, it is currently running, for Kubuntu and KNOPPIX ?


I saw that this mounted on /WE-MNT01 took 5 GB. So I decided to umount it.

Normal umount was not possible because of “device busy”,


fuser -m /WE-MNT01/iso_KNOPPIX_9

and lsof

gave error “stale file handle”.

I found that an editor had open one file. I closed it.

But “device busy” still.

Then unfortunately I made

umount --lazy /WE-MNT01/iso_KNOPPIX_9

I tried to detach in lusetup; was not possible.

After the umount and sync, all was still the same: no disk space freed, device stll busy.
Even after a long, long time.

I considered, perhaps I have forgotten, perhaps something from below the mount point is needed and continuously in use.

I tried to redo my lazy umount by

mount -t iso9660 /dev/loop0 /WE-MNT01/iso_KNOPPIX_9

Was not accepted with message:

mount: /WE-MNT01/iso_KNOPPIX_9: /dev/loop0 already moumted or mount point busy

Now I am in an unclear sotuation.


Please is there a help?
