Zend certified PHP/Magento developer

Remote, standalone Bluetooth transmitter as an audio LINE-IN on a Windows PC

Is it possible to pair a remote, standalone Bluetooth transmitter to a Windows PC as an AUDIO SOURCE (recording line-in)? I can understand that this is an atypical usage. So, maybe it’s not surprising that I cannot find a transmitter that explicitly mentions this usage. But, this also makes me wonder if it’s maybe not allowed/possible for some reason…

And if it’s not allowed… why not?

Why would anyone want to do this? Well, I use my PC as a DSP. See…VST plug-ins for a DAW are generally a lot cheaper than standalone “audiofile” hardware components.

In a wired situation I:

  1. send my sounds system’s tape-out to my PC’s line-in
  2. do signal processing in the PC
  3. send PC line-out back to my sound system tape-in
  4. Run the preamp in tape monitor mode

In my current application I want to do DSP on TV audio. (Yes, only stereo for now.)

Is this possible?