Zend certified PHP/Magento developer

Restore not accessible USBs

Let’s talk about the problem. I have 4 USBs from my mother in law which she hopes me to bring them to life, but I have no clue about what steps should I follow. If I connect them to my computer, 2 of them appear like they have a letter assigned (I am using Windows) but they are not accessible. The other 2, can’t be recognised from Windows in first instance.

If I check my connected devices using USBDeview I can see that all appear in some way:


My question is, what can I do in order to use those devices again? How can access directly the device, in order to get an approach what could be happening with that device for letting Windows “viewing” it, but not accessing?

I’m a programmer so I have got basic knowledge about computers, so, any recommendation would be grateful.