Run a program at login – Windows Server 2012 R2

I have a Windows Server 2012 R2 freshly instaled. The intended use for is to have 2 users that logs in via RD and the only app they are allowed to use is Outlook 2016

For this program to run RD with full screen (no taskbar no desktop) i used this option on their user settings “Environment”

User cnfg

but if i log in to the user, Outlook doesn’t load and the full desktop loads as usual.

Am i doing something wrong?, have i missing something?

Expected behavior:

  • As the user logs in, Outlook should be on full screen and
  • User can’t use Start Menu or other programs
  • if the user logs out Outlook should close too

What i have tried:

  • Using different syntax to load Outlook
   C:Program filesMicrosoft OfficeOffice16OUTLOOK.EXE
  • Using a script to load Outlook
  • Modification of RegEdit Values (works but user can use other programs apart from Outlook)
  • Permissions on both files and users are all clear and covered