Zend certified PHP/Magento developer

Setting up lancache, docker error: host is already used by another container

Setting up lancache, I followed the basic steps outlined on the website. https://lancache.net/

I am having trouble with starting lanchache, specifically with the command “sudo docker-compose up -d”.

I am running a fresh install of Zorin-Core on a physical computer, no virtual machine.

(I have also Disabling systemd-resolved DNSStubListener according to the official documentation.)

user@lancache:~/lancache$ sudo docker-compose up -d
Starting lancache_dns_1 ... 
Starting lancache_dns_1        ... error
WARNING: Host is already in use by another container

ERROR: for lancache_dns_1  Cannot start service dns: driver failed programming external connectivity on endpoint lancache_dns_1 (2df91307b98be5dba0a6f670eb73dad69bf252c14d254ff68496e2163b19adc5): Error starting userland proxy: listen tcStarting lancache_monolithic_1 ... done

ERROR: for dns  Cannot start service dns: driver failed programming external connectivity on endpoint lancache_dns_1 (2df91307b98be5dba0a6f670eb73dad69bf252c14d254ff68496e2163b19adc5): Error starting userland proxy: listen tcp4 bind: cannot assign requested address
ERROR: Encountered errors while bringing up the project.