Zend certified PHP/Magento developer

VBA Methods Replaced by Variable

I’m still a VBA novice, but I’m starting to get a better handle on things. Though I made the dumb mistake of declaring a variable that’s the same as a method. I declared the variable: Dim cellS As Range

But then it replaced all the instances of the method Cells. in my code returning an error. So I changed my variable name to Scell and replaced all instances of it in my code with the new name. But the method still continued to change to cellS rather than staying Cells..

I even tried deleting that variable and all instances of it in my code. No change. Then I removed all instances of the text “cells” in my code but it still keeps replacing the method with cellS.

I’m not sure where it’s still pulling it from. I tried bringing the code into a new module, but that yielded no change.

Any assistance is appreciated. I use the Cells. method quite a bit in my code, but until this is resolved it won’t run…
