Zend certified PHP/Magento developer

Virtual Box Num Lock issue

I have a weird issue, when I create a new machine in VBox, they switch off numlock when I’m booting it and switching on when I’m outside the machine (changing windows or when I’m shutdowning the machine). I know the feature is disabled normally but in my case in every machine (even after reinstallation) it becomes automatically.

VBoxManage setextradata “VM name” GUI/HidLedsSync “0”
This command can disable the issue for a certain machine, is there any way to stop this num lock syncing as default so that when I create a machine I don’t need to write this command every time?

The issue is shown here although I have the latest version of virtual box and it did happen without an update: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z9V8F4YCFO8