Zend certified PHP/Magento developer

wget – what’s the correct combination of command line options to ensure it excludes domains and doesn’t crawl too far?

I’ve had a wget in process for a couple of days. Judging from the file count its downloaded so far, I suspect it may be crawling domains outside what I had required.

This is despite me having specified limits in my command line (below). Is there something wrong with my command line that would cause wget to look outside the --domain I specified?

Here’s my wget command:
wget --mirror -l12 --page-requisites --convert-link --no-clobber --adjust-extension -e robots=off --exclude-domains www.a.org,www.b.org,www.c.org,www.d.org --domains=mysitename.org http://mysitename.org/subdir/index.php/Main_Page

The a,b,d,c.org links exist in mysitename.org, hopefully the exclude will cause wget to not crawl them.
Its the -l12 I’m worried about – in case its forcing an external crawl. Also, I have not put a --no-parent in because I want it to crawl subdir2 etc.

I don’t want to stop my wget process yet, but am concerned that it might be downloading more than I’d want.

I have seen a few examples with --domains with and without an = sign, so I trust my syntax is OK.

Thats my question: is there anything in my wget command line that may be triggering an external crawl of other domains (e.g. -l12)?