Zend certified PHP/Magento developer

What is this strange exception? [closed]

Everything works with this code:

   private void BrowseButton1(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
        OpenFileDialog fd = new OpenFileDialog();
        fd.InitialDirectory = "\\Nx3200\supplier\FONEX\LambdaGain";
        fd.Filter = "Binary Files  | *.bin";
        filePath1.Text = fd.FileName;

However, when I try to do Multi Select (because I want to select multiple files) like so:

     private void BrowseButton1(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
        OpenFileDialog fd = new OpenFileDialog();
        fd.Multiselect = true;
        fd.InitialDirectory = "\\Nx3200\supplier\FONEX\LambdaGain";
        fd.Filter = "Binary Files  | *.bin";
        filePath1.Text = fd.FileName;

The code shoes the error: System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException: ‘Creating an instance of the COM component with CLSID {DC1C5A9C-E88A-4DDE-A5A1-60F82A20AEF7} from the IClassFactory failed due to the following error: 80040111 ClassFactory cannot supply requested class (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80040111

This error is shown in the fd.showDialog()

Please help