What type of mini pcie cards can be installed in the mini pcie slot labeled 1/2 mc in my dell precision m4700

I am looking to do some internal laptop mods and want to know if this mini pcie to usb 3 or mini pcie to sata raid controller will work in the slot (pictures of slot and cards below)

Mini pcie to sata: https://www.amazon.com/GLOTRENDS-MiniPCIE-Adapter-Chipset-Devices/dp/B07N3B4WJV/ref=sr_1_3?keywords=mini+pcie+to+sata&qid=1572813538&sr=8-3

Mini pcie to usb 3:https://www.amazon.com/Mini-adapter-converter-USB3-0-Express/dp/B07BJ45JXD

Dell precision m4700 mini pcie slot: Dell m4700, 1/2mc slot unoccupied