Zend certified PHP/Magento developer

Why can I ssh and return a result faster than Linux can with a bundled command?

I’m writing a short bash script that involves logging into roughly 100 nodes and counting the number of processes running in top with my username, and I’m trying to combine the ssh-related processes all into one bundled command:

ssh server-1 top -bn1 | grep 'program' | grep -c 'username'

When I do this, I notice that it takes roughly 5 seconds to return the process count for a server, which is not long by itself. However, when I want to run this command about 100 times, it would be desirable to speed it up. I can edit my .bash_profile to comment out the following lines:

if [ -f ~/.bashrc ]; then
    . ~/.bashrc

From there, I can complete the process of entering the ssh, top/grep/grep, and exit commands by hand in about 3 seconds. Given that the ssh and exit processes only take about 1 second combined (with my .bash_profile commented out) and that the top/grep/grep is nearly instant, it should be significantly faster than 3 seconds if the computer does the commands. However, keeping the .bash_profile commented out does not improve the speed of the bundled ssh command and the bundled command still takes about 5 seconds vs. 3 seconds doing it by hand. Can anyone explain why the bundled command is slower than doing the commands individually by hand, even when the .bash_profile is commented out?