Zend certified PHP/Magento developer

Win10 Bluetooth connection issues: All BT devices pair, briefly connect and immediately disconnect

the last few days I’ve been trying to fix an issue I am having with my bluetooth connection.

After trying everything google has to offer, I’ve gone so far as to buy both a new bluetooth dongle and re-installing Win10 (clean reset via cloud download), however the issue still persists.

GIF of pairing a device

Trying to reconnect to the device simply tells me:

That didn't work. Try again, and make sure your device is still discoverable.

Pairing and installation of any required drivers seems to work flawlessly for any of my BT devices.

Running the Bluetooth Troubleshooter finds and repairs the problem “Check Bluetooth radio status: Fixed”, but it finds and “fixes” this issue even when running the troubleshooter again right after. The detailed view of the troubleshooter results does not give any further insight.

I found this post of someone with a somewhat similar sounding issue, however his solution of unplugging the BT dongle and restarting the computer is something I have tried (and circumvented by trying a completely different bluetooth dongle on a fresh win10 install)

I am very grateful for any advice!