Windows: Batch script to map a remote computer’s share folder using a local login/password on THAT computer

I have a non domain computer I am running a shared network folder from, and that I connect with using an account that’s locally on that computer.

Doing it manually via the Map A Network Drive in windows works fine:

However I want to create/use a batch script to do this since I run this off of new computers to run installs. The format I’ve seen online I’ve been trying to use is:

net use z: \p2hostfs /USER:\p2hostfs Fileshare1 /PERSISTENT:NO

This doesn’t work. If I try to use “localhostfs” or “.fs” I think it’s trying to find/use the creds on the local computer I’m configuring which also doesn’t have the information.

How can I input the local user information from the shared folder computer into the batch script to work?