Zend certified PHP/Magento developer

Magento 2 Cron jobs are stuck in Pending status

We have use Magento:2.4.3-p1 version , my issue is new cron generating but “pending” status.
After attempting to update product attributes in bulk I have a “stuck” system message of
[Task “Update attributes for 1 selected products”: 0 item(s) have been scheduled for update.]
This has been in “Pending, in queue” status.

  • Steps to Genarating issue.

1.In Admin navigate to Catalog -> Products page.

  1. Select all products.

  2. In drop-down ‘Actions’ menu select “Update attributes”

  3. Change desired value of any attribute (like description) and save.

issue Screenshot : https://i.imgur.com/zYyB3Nm.png

any idea about issue?